If you can't be bothered to learn about women...
or about dating...
or about what NOT to do or say to women...
or to learn even BASIC SOCIAL SKILLS --
then get used to NOT FUCKING.
So answer the CLUE PHONE or start saving up for that hooker and/or mail-order bride.
Some recommended reading --
- http://divalion.livejournal.com/163615.html
- http://whywomenhatemen.blogspot.com/
- http://heartless-bitches.com/rants/niceguys/niceguys.shtml?necessary_repost
(I'm not one to go on men-bashing tirades, because I really hate that "war of the sexes" bullshit -- but yeah, I just had an "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???" moment with someone who will remain nameless -- and fuckless, probably)