Sunday, March 2, 2008

Arthole featured in 'Parallel Worlds: Explorations in Second Life' panel discussion

Richard Minsky, known as Artworld Market in SL, had IMed me abruptly a couple of weeks ago asking if I had some new artwork to show, and if I'd be willing to teleport him to give a brief tour. My latest piece is in the Arthole gallery that Arahan & I have been working on, so I invited him to join me there.

Turns out Artworld was at a real-life lecture at the time, and that the tour was being broadcast to a live panel! There is now video footage of it on the web --

Here's the description from the page itself:

The New School
New York, NY
Feb 13th, 2008

Parallel Worlds: Explorations in "Second Life" with panelists Fred Ritchin, NYU professor and a contributing editor of Aperture; Michael Van Horn, curator of the Joseph Monsen Collection in Seattle; Richard Minsky, founder of SLART magazine; and Michael Schmelling, photographer.

Presented in association with the first of a series of articles in Aperture wherein Fred Ritchin explores "postphotographic" media and emerging technology, this discussion focuses on the 3D virtual world Second Life, created entirely online by its residents - The New School

The entire lecture is rather long, but if you look to the right of the video screen area, you will see a menu listing several segments -- Arthole is number 6 on the list.

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