I am quickly approaching my 5-year anniversary of arriving in
Second Life and a large portion of my time there has been devoted to
creative pursuits - learning to build, exploring artistic possibilities, etc.
For the past year or more or so, however, those activities have largely fallen by the wayside. Part of it had to do with the
closure of Arthole, naturally. Part of it is likely just the natural ebb and flow of things. I've also
gotten back into some painting &
drawing again, something I hadn't focused on in a long time. (I've also started
listing my art on Etsy - only a few things up there thus far & one sale to a private buyer.)
Sometime in February, I started logging back into Second Life more frequently again; and in the past few months I've spent time rekindling old friendships (& discovering new ones). I've been enjoying SL as a social/exploration activity, and I think I really have needed to recapture the sense of wonder and enjoyment of simply
being there.
So, yeah. Lack of sleep has kind of made me forget my original intention of writing a post today, other than to mention that I am trying to get myself back in business, so to speak. I am currently in the (slow) process of re-establishing my Second Life shop,
Numinous, which I originally
opened back in '05 as a way for me to help raise a bit of money for both my Second Life pursuits and a little extra support to pay first-life bills. I need that income again, so I am putting up some old designs for now while I (hopefully) make new things to sell.
I'm also going to start pursuing the arts in Second Life again soon. I am completely disconnected from the art scene these days, but as always I'll just do my own thing in my own way and hope someone notices/appreciates it. My last installation at Arthole,
Autosarcophagy, can still be seen by teleporting within SL to this location, and will be left up there until I make something new:

I am hoping my renewed efforts to create things in Second Life are beneficial to my artistic sense of well-being and to my bank account. I hate having to pursue things for the sake of money, but the sad truth of it is that I barely make ends meet with my current job, and I desperately need a car by the end of the year and new computer parts ASAHFP (as soon as humanly fucking possible).
(Location: Immersed in Second Life via my BFFF's computer.)
Oh yeah - I also accept donations -Via Paypal --